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Council Scum 5:04 Tue Jul 19
Mum and daughter stabbed in France
And on it goes....


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Crassus 2:48 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Blimey thats grim, not shocked to hear of it though but grim none the less

mashed in maryland 2:25 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
And I'm sure a load of serial killers blame being bullied at school. Means fuck all.

My point is that if these communities are such shit places to live its not the fault of France, it's the fault of the people living there. All the excuse-making, blaming "poverty" or "racism" or "social isolation" or any of that bollocks is making things worse not better.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 2:23 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France

You said it was notable how many former jihadis said that.

I just don't believe that at all. Its the usual catch all word people throw around to apportion blame to anyone but themselves for not getting off your arse to get on in life.

Darby_ 2:15 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Hasans, it's not an excuse. I said it was a very small part of the reason they became racidalised. The vast, vast majority of it is them being cunts/psychos/etc.

Still, saying it might make a few people on here uncomfortable?

J.Riddle 2:12 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
French authorities covered up the torture at the Bataclan apparently.


Hasans Fish Bar RIP 2:07 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Racism causes radicalisation? Fuck me. If it was true that's an extremely lazy and disingenuous excuse. They have shitloads more freedom and opportunity to excel than they would in their homeland. But we know that already

Hammer and Pickle 2:02 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Well, the world's a fucked up place but it's safe to say your average, law-abiding tax-paying citizen who happens to be Muslim won't be caught saying

"Thank Allah and all the prophets for all the prejudice and exclusion - I'd be a suicidal mass murderer if it wasn't for those virtues".

Crassus 1:59 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Mate you are kicking at an open door there but in terms of France, it really is an almost seperate set of circumstances.

The peculiar thing is that they are politically moribund, so they vote one way and then act another. A bit like signing up to everything and anything with the EU then flagrantly ignoring the bits they dont like - burning our sheep etc

So whilst tragic, these events are in part of their own making, they have allowed this to fester, have encouraged it and now suffer the consequences. I know I sound unnatural leftist here but, if you have a huge percentage of your population alienated and considered second class why wonder when they act accordingly? Add the opportunist Imans and preachers that advocate their bad behaviour as legitimate religiously and you have a conbustable polarity

Where the merry fuck France goes from here is the problem - 10% of the population is muslim, millions upon millions of disaffected and alienated at best citizens

Good luck with that

Dwight Van Mann 1:54 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Darby_ 1:51 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
"it is notable how many former Western jihadis say that racism contributed to their radicalisation."

do they?

Darby_ 1:51 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Terrorists deserve 99.999999etc% of the blame for what they do, but it is notable how many former Western jihadis say that racism contributed to their radicalisation.

mashed in maryland 1:45 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
I understand that Crassus but my point is what more is France meant to do? These events continue because the people committing them choose to behave that way. That's no one's fault but their own. And I dunno about anyone else but I'm sick of being told our countries are to blame (cos of "poverty" or "racism") when some cunt decides killing people is an easier alternative to living in a country thats nothing like the one their parents/grandparents abandoned cos it was shit.

Crassus 1:29 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France

I agree in general with your points. My observation of where these types are housed was not an excuse but an observation upon the riven society that is modern France

It is a mess and the blind ignorance of the broader community of why these events continue, is in part symbolic of why they do.

Stranded 12:41 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Anyway. None of this belongs on a thread about children getting stabbed.

Stranded 12:37 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Yeah, you are/were talking about now. But all of this...

"mashed in maryland 9:55 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
So France builds all these new arrivals big sparkly new estates with shopping centres and metro stations and they repay the favour by ghettoising them and rioting every five minutes?

It's not the architecture or distance from the Eiffel Tower that makes these places bad, it's the people living there.

Wish western society would stop making excuses for these ungrateful cunts.

Turn up in their country or almost anywhere else on the planet as a foreigner in need of somewhere to live and work and see if they build you anything?"

... is a direct response to what was in me and Hassans posts. Even though they clearly state that we're talking about the mid-eighties.

Where we agree is, that if what I'm told about how Paris is now is true, it's a tragedy it was allowed to happen.

mashed in maryland 12:22 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Well I was talking about the situation now, and it seems that in 30 years they've managed to turn what you've described as a safe city into what it is today.

I suppose it's all the French govt's fault for not being inclusive or culturally sensitive enough or not giving them more benefit money.

Stranded 12:05 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
mim. We were talking about visiting Parisian estates thirty years ago. Believe it or not, thirty years ago they weren't full of junior jihadis. I don't even remember seeing any mosques, though in all honesty, back then, a mosque would have been about as noteworthy as a shop selling vacuum cleaners. So maybe there were one or two and I've forgotten?

I don't remember any rioting on them in the period I used to visit. Though as I wasn't there all year round, and the wonders of 24-hour news hadn't been invented yet, I suppose there could have been?

Back then, most of the city was as safe as houses, and even the worst of those estates weren't any worse than their equivalents in London etc.

To put it in a timeframe, this was a period when London was as dangerous as fuck. It was also the height of the hooligan era. And even a film like 'La Haine' was still a decade away.

So, to sum up.. tranded 10:59

mashed in maryland 11:20 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Right so the French government builds houses, shops, mosques, sports centres and gives these people benefit money and provides them with all the opportunities to get into mainstream French life, and yet they all end up selling smack to each other and turning their neighbourhoods into no-go areas then moaning about poverty and living in le ghetto.

What more are the French govt and people supposed to do for these people before they get their act together?

And as a bonus now they're turning round and committing terrorist attacks on the people and society who pay for their way of life.

Is there no Arabic word for "gratitude"?

Stranded 10:59 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
mashed in maryland 9:55

mim. No offence. But that's just a load of venting and projecting that hasn't got much to do with what me and Hassans were talking about.

Hammer and Pickle 10:47 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Nothing wrong with it in my book.

I just draw the line at benefit fraud, that's all.

Do hope that doesn't offend anyone.

mashed in maryland 10:46 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
Its not our country's duty to employ Poland's population.

Or Somalia's.

When our unemployment rate is 0% then maybe we could think about letting more people in.

Til then Agneska can stick to selling cabbages.

Dunno what young women do in Somalia apart from be oppressed nor do I give a fuck.

Takashi Miike 10:44 Wed Jul 20
Re: Mum and daughter stabbed in France
how dare anyone be nationalistic. that's not allowed in the new borderless utopia of the liberal elite

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